After spending time as a Client Support Specialist in the wealth management industry, I have come to realize that my career and my hobbies might have more correlation to one another than I initially thought. 

In my free time, I enjoy exploring my creative side – for me, this includes playing the piano, singing and attending concerts when I can. I grew up always hearing the saying “If you are good at music it probably means you are good at math”. While my day-to-day work doesn’t include me hunched over a calculator for hours, I can say that there is definitely something to that old saying. 

I think it might have something to do with the similar work ethic between the two disciplines. There is something to be said about the persistence needed to work in finance. With fluctuating markets, it can make the job quite challenging at times, especially when you are working with clients and doing your best to keep them happy. Persistence to reach your end goal is a must. The same goes for musicians. For many, it takes endless hours of practice to get to the level of skill and artistry they desire. 

The world of finance and the world of music both require patience. With my clients, sometimes patience can be the key ingredient. Some people are not as ready to open up and form a connection as others can be. Being patient and taking the time to really listen to clients will help to foster and grow the relationship they have with the firm. The same can be said for my interest and passion in music. You don’t learn to play the piano in one day – it is a talent that requires patience and practice to become proficient. 

Another way in which both Wealth Management and Music form the perfect pair is the necessity for pure concentration. When playing the piano and learning music, you need to have the ability to fully concentrate. I don’t want to get sidetracked and want to make sure that I set aside everything else to fully concentrate on playing the piano. With working in wealth management, I also need to put everything else to the side and focus on the clients. What do they need? What are their interests? How can we help? With fully concentrating on their needs, I am able to help grow the relationship with them and the financial advisor.

I have had careers in a few different areas, and it took me a little while to find one that I am passionate about. Working in the wealth management field, I have discovered the ideal trajectory for my career. Everyone that I have met who works in this field is also quite passionate. We all want the best for our clients, and the business. The same can be said for music – you don’t play music because you have to, you play it because you are passionate about it. I believe that everything you commit your time to in life, you should be passionate about. It makes life much easier and much more interesting. Don’t be afraid to try something new!

Neither wealth management or music are easy, but the challenge is why I enjoy them. It’s interesting to consider that the skills necessary to excel in one are also necessary to excel in the other.