Being a working mom is like being a superhero. Sure you might not wear a cape, but not too many people can say that they have two full-time jobs that require their full attention, time, and care. I happen to be a working mom myself, and while the journey can be sometimes bumpy, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. 

But how do working moms balance all their responsibilities? I am here to share a few ways that I have found balance for myself as a full-time Client Support Specialist as well as a full-time mom to my daughter. 

The Progress Principle 

The progress principle came to me a few years ago after reading about it in the Harvard Business Review. People who feel successful and fulfilled in their work have one thing in common – they feel like they are making progress on something that matters. The principle uses small wins to find overall joy. By choosing one thing a day to make progress in, you can feel a sense of accomplishment even if the rest of your day may not go as planned. This principle helps you to feel accomplished without feeling overwhelmed.

Give yourself grace

It is okay that you don’t have everything figured out. We are human and finding balance is tough work! It is important to remember to give yourself a break. You need to take care of yourself in order to do the best for your children. 

It is okay to ask for help

For some, asking for help can be really hard. We want to make it look like we have every aspect of our lives together. In reality, it’s community and connections that keep us strong. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a partner, family member or friend – this way we can avoid burnout. 

Maintain healthy boundaries

Boundaries are important for not only our physical spaces but for our mental and emotional spaces as well. Part of boundary setting is establishing your non-negotiables. These are things that are important for you to maintain in your life, whether that be working out, date nights, or family get-togethers. For me, a non-negotiable is family dinner with my daughter. It is a special time that I look forward to getting to spend with each other almost every night. 

Focus on Quality Time vs. Quantity

It is very easy to be around your children a lot, but what is more important is if you are present with them in those moments. Those are the moments that create lasting memories. It is easy to see when someone is checked out during a conversation, or that they have a million things on their mind. By focusing on the quality time you spend with your children, you will notice the deeper connection that you have formed. 

Being a working parent is not easy. There will be periods where you find more success in balancing it than others. It will challenge you, but also show you how strong you are as an individual. Just know that you are not alone!